Welcome to ArAIEval shared task at WANLP 2023!
Propaganda and disinformation have been widely used on social media and mainstream media to influence and/or mislead the audience, which became a major concern for different stakeholders, social media platforms and government agencies. This motivated organizing this shared task to further encourage work on computational propaganda and disinformation detection over Arabic content.
Our shared task offers two tasks:
(i) persuasion technique detection, and
(ii) disinformation detection.
ArAIEval covers both the tweets and news articles domains and includes binary, multiclass and multilabel subtasks.
Important Dates:
- 13 July 2023: Registration on codalab and beginning of the development cycle
- 12 August 2023: Beginning of the evaluation cycle (test sets release and run submission)
- 15 August 2023 23:59 AOE: End of the evaluation cycle (run submission)
- 29 August 2023: Deadline for the submission of working notes
- 12 October 2023: Notification of acceptance of working notes
- 20 October 2023: Deadline for submission of camera-ready working notes
- 7 December 2023: WANLP Conference (colocated with EMNLP-2023)
For more information visit: https://araieval.gitlab.io/